Glaucoma: Treatment & Surgery Options in Delhi
Glaucoma is a serious eye condition that can lead to irreversible vision loss.
However, with the right medical or surgical treatment, further vision loss can be prevented or delayed.
Do Not Confuse Glaucoma with Cataract
Glaucoma and cataract can both cause painless, gradual vision loss, but they are distinct conditions. Cataracts can be treated with a simple surgery called Phaco, which can fully restore vision. Glaucoma, on the other hand, requires ongoing management to prevent vision loss.
Understanding Glaucoma:
Our eyes contain a clear fluid called aqueous humor, which nourishes the eye structures. In glaucoma, this fluid fails to drain properly, leading to increased intraocular pressure (IOP), also known as tension.
Risk Factors for Glaucoma:
Anyone can develop glaucoma, but some individuals are at higher risk, including:
People over the age of 40
Those with a family history of glaucoma
People with nearsightedness (myopia) or farsightedness (hyperopia)
Individuals with hypertension
Those with a history of migraines
Common Symptoms of Glaucoma:
Glaucoma often progresses without noticeable symptoms, but some signs may include:
Eye pain when transitioning from darkness to light (e.g., leaving a cinema)
Seeing colored halos around lights, especially in the morning and at night
Frequent changes in reading glasses prescription
Headaches, eye pain, and redness
Reduced night vision
Gradual loss of peripheral vision
Types of Glaucoma:
1. Open-Angle Glaucoma: This type develops slowly and usually has no early warning signs. It responds well to medication, especially if detected early.
2. Angle-Closure Glaucoma: More common in Asians, it can cause a rapid increase in eye pressure, leading to symptoms like headaches, eye pain, and blurred vision.
3. Low-Tension or Normal-Tension Glaucoma: Optic nerve damage occurs even with normal eye pressure. Medications and a comprehensive medical history are crucial for managing this type.
4. Congenital Glaucoma: Present in children at birth, it requires surgery to correct the eye's drainage defect.
5. Secondary Glaucoma Types: Develop as complications of other medical conditions, eye surgeries, injuries, tumors, or eye inflammation.
Standard Investigations for Glaucoma:
Early detection is crucial, and regular eye exams can help. Common tests include:
Applanation Tonometry: Measures intraocular pressure.
Ophthalmoscopy: Examines the optic nerve.
Perimetry (Visual Field Test): Detects typical visual field defects.
Gonioscopy: Determines the type of glaucoma.
Newer Diagnostics for Glaucoma:
Retinal Nerve Fiber Analysis/OCT: Measures the thickness of the nerve fiber layer.
Pachymetry: Measures corneal thickness to ensure accurate eye pressure readings.
Laser Peripheral Iridotomy (LPI):
This treatment is used for acute angle-closure glaucoma. LPI creates an opening in the iris to improve fluid drainage and relieve symptoms.
Glaucoma Treatment in Delhi at Theia Eye Care Clinic:
Treatment options at Theia Eye Care Clinic include medicines, laser trabeculoplasty, and conventional surgery. These treatments can help save remaining vision but do not restore lost vision.
Medicines: Eye drops or pills are commonly used to lower eye pressure.
Laser Trabeculoplasty: A procedure to improve fluid drainage from the eye.
Glaucoma Filtering Surgery: Creates a new channel for fluid drainage when other treatments are ineffective.